Operators keep on developing 3G

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Telecommunication operators compete for the development of 3G telecommunication networks. Telkomsel has 3.8 million 3G subscribers, XL one million, and Indosat 500,000 subscribers. This is as summarized by president director of Telkomsel Kiskenda Suriahardja, XL Hasnul Suhaimi and Indosat Johnny Swandi Sjam. Kiskenda said Telkomsel 3G subscribers from September 14, 2006 to end of 2007 reached 3.8 million subscribers and 1.5 million of the total here active users. The Node B (3G BTS) has exceeded 2,000 in 81 cities. “The average revenue per user (ARPU) per month is US$16 or Rp150,000,” he said. As to Hasnul, the 3G infrastructure development should be ongoing to meet the customers’ needs. But, the problem is about the 5 Mhz frequency which is simply used for voice. Johnny Sjam said the Indosat’s 3G service has reached 17 cities and the total customers up to 2007 were 500,000. This year Indosat plans to add another 1,000 Node B so as to make 1,500 Node B by end of 2008.

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