Three’s strong signal covers isolated areas

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hutchison CP Telecommunication presents ”Three’s strong signal” in the village of Komara, the district of North Polobangkeng, Takalar, South Sulawesi since the end of May 2009. For the village, Three donated six public pay phone units based on GSM 3, 20 computers and 8 internet modems which were installed in the office of the village chief, the public health clinic, the state elementary school number 54, the presidential instruction school (SD Inpres) number 171 and the state junior high school number 3 Polut. The grant of the donation was made by the Minister of Communication and Information, delegated to the Director of Telecommunication of the Gen. Directorate of Post and Telecommunication Uton Dutono in Makasar, Tuesday (6/23). / Sinar Harapan, pg 15

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